The Parish Council of St. Nicholas Orthodox Parish appeals to all Orthodox Christians in Iceland to register with the National Register of Iceland as Orthodox, regardless of nationality or country of origin.
For everyone registered with a parish, the State of Iceland provides a small parish grant. The subsidy is NOT debited from the registered person, but is allocated by the state.
This assistance partially covers the rent and maintenance of our temporary temple.
We ask you to spend a little time and register with the parish.
It's very easy to do!
Follow these steps!
Step 1. Open the website of the National Register of Iceland:
Step 2. Please select the second Úmsóknir tab. Find the form "Trú- eða lífsskoðunarfélag" in the alphabetical list of shapes.
If you are registering a child under the age of 15, then select the form "Trú- eða lífsskoðunarfélag - barna 15 ára og yngi"
Step 3. Press "HALDA ÁFRAM" / Continue
Step 4. Log in to your account. To do this, enter your registration number / kennitala and password / Íslykill.
*If you don´t have a password/Íslykill. , you have to press on Mig vantar Íslykill, then go to your online banking where your will receive it in Electronic Documents with the name
Tegund | Númer |
Íslykill frá Þjóðskrá Íslands |
Open the document, copy and paste the password and enter using your kennitala/registration number. Then you can change the password and follow all the steps above.
Step 5. Fill out the form. To do this, you need to enter your e-mail address, phone number, and select from the list of organizations "Réssneska rétttrúnaðarkirkjan" / Russian Orthodox Church in Iceland, as is done in the example. And press the "SENDA" / SEND button.
If you have any questions or difficulties with filling out the questionnaire online, write to us at, call (+ 354-6991212 father Timofey) or come to the temple (Öldugata 44).
We will also be grateful if you send us the information that you have registered by e-mail So that we can include you in the newsletter about parish news or changes in the schedule of services.
God bless you!
with respect,
Parish council of the Parish.
parish rector Archpriest Timofey Zolotusky:
Council members (according to the elections on December 20, 2014):
Margarita Fakhrutdinova
Anna Valdimarsdottir
Roman Zakhary
Rivin's Love
Stanislav Ogurtsov
Vladimir Antonov
Elena Trufan
Sergey Filippov
*If you entounter any troubles during the registration process, please, get in touch with us and we will assist you!
Öldugata 44, 101 Reykjavik, Iceland
ph: +354-6991212